工科类《普通物理学A1》、 《普通物理学实验A1》; 农科类《普通物理学B》《普通物理学实验B》;电子科学与技术专业课《半导体物理》《传感器与检测技术》;生物物理研究生选修课《生物电磁学》等课程。
1. 包锦,闫祖威,三元混晶矩形量子阱线的表面和界面光学声子模,内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版),2020,51(3):244-252.
2. 包锦,闫祖威,三元混晶矩形量子阱线的界面光学声子模,内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版),2019,50(3):265-273.
3. 包锦,闫祖威,三元混晶矩形量子线的表面光学声子模,内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版),2018,49(6):597-604.
4. C. L. Yan(闫翠玲) , J. Bao(包锦) Z. W. Yan(闫祖威), Surface and interface phonon-polaritons in freestanding quantum well wire systems of polar ternary mixed crystals, Physica E, 2016, 77: 114-121.(SCI收录)
5. 包锦,闫祖威,三元混晶三层薄膜系统的表面和界面声子极化激元,内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版),2016,47(2):156-164.
6. 包锦,闫祖威,膜厚对三元混晶四层系统的表面和界面声子极化激元的影响,内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版),2015,46(6):590-594.
7. C. L. Yan(闫翠玲) , J. Bao(包锦), Interface phonon-polaritons in quantum well wires systems of polar ternary mixed crystals, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2014,74: 206–216. (SCI收录)
8. 包锦、闫翠玲、闫祖威, 三元混晶四层系统的表面和界面声子极化激元, 物理学报, 2014, 63 (10): 107105. (SCI收录)
9. J. Bao(包锦), X. X. Liang, Surface phonon-polaritons in quantum wires of ternary mixed crystals, Physica E, 2013, 50: 51-56. (SCI收录)
10. J. Bao, X. X. Liang. Interface phonon-polaritons in quantum wells of ternary mixed crystals, Chin. Phys. B, 2010, 19(9): 094-101. (SCI收录)
11. J. Bao, X. X. Liang. Surface and interface phonon-polaritons in bilayer systems of ternary mixed crystals, J. Appl. Phys., 2008, 104(3):033-545(7). (SCI收录)
12. J. Bao, X. X. Liang. Composition effect on the phonon-polaritons of ternary mixed crystals films, Optoelectronics Letters, 2008, 4(1): 0302-0306. (EI收录)
13. J. Bao, X. X. Liang. One and two mode behaviors of surface phonon-polaritons in ternary mixed crystals, Appl. Sur. Sci, 2008, 255(3): 633-636. (SCI收录)
14. 包锦,梁希侠. 膜厚对三元混晶双层系中声子极化激元的影响, 内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 39(4): 401-406.
15. J. Bao, X. X. Liang. Surface phonon-polaritons inslabs of ternary mixed crystals, Chinese Journal of Semiconductors, 2007, 28(12):1895-1901. (EI收录)
16. J. Bao, X. X. Liang. Bulk and surface phonon-polaritons in ternary mixed crystals, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2006, 18(35): 8229-8239. (SCI收录)
17. L. Liu, X. X. Liang, J. Bao. Exciton-polaritons in ternary mixed crystals, Chinese Physics, 2007, 16(09): 2537-2543. (SCI收录)
18. L. Liu, X. X. Liang, J. Bao. Surface exciton polaritons in ternary mixed crystals, Optoelectronics Letters, 2007, 3(6): 0466-0469. (EI收录)
2. 《大学物理实验》(第三版),副主编,2018年8月,中国农业出版社
2. 2018年内蒙古农业大学“优秀共产党员”。